Monday 21 June 2010

Lucy Jones

lucy jones was born in london 1955.
lucy went to byam shaw school of drawing and painting in 1974 to 1776, later lucy went to camberwell school of art{1st class honour} in 1976 to 1979. in 1979 to 1982 she went to royal collage of art

Monday 14 June 2010

disabilty and art

The picture cornfeild looks like lots of lines put together i like this picture because it looks really complacated but really it is just some lines put together.i think this is a picture of mixed emotions and the blue repersents sadness and the yellow repersent the happines that vangoth had when he painted this picture.i think this because when i am sad i feel like i am blue, and when i am happy i feel like i am yellow. now i know that vangoth had a disabilty i feel like i take me for granted because he had a disablity and i dont.

Monday 22 February 2010

ISLAMIC ART /zarah hussian


Islamic art is art from the 7th centry.
This is some of zarah hussian's art.
I think that her work is really good, i also like her use of colour, and i like the way she uses diffrent colurs to make , flowers it is really beautiful.

Monday 1 February 2010


A Tessllation of the pane is a collection of plane figurs that fills the plane with no overlaps and no gaps.m.c escher

Monday 18 January 2010


Pattern is a motif that repeats it self.